Orienta welcomes 34 Filipino skilled workers in Italy.

Oct 5, 2023 | News, Orienta

Through the Decreto Flussi and the collaboration between Orienta and Sielte, one of the major Italian companies in the telecommunication field, Italy welcomes 34 Filipino skilled workers.

The Decreto Flussi is an Italian government measure that sets, each year, the number of non-European citizens that can enter the country for work.

Orienta and Sielte joined together to bring as many workers as possible, ensuring the authorization for 34 of them. The Filipinos who passed the selection are workers with years of experience in the field of telecommunication. In Italy, they will be trained and later hired by the company.

After their arrival in Turin (Italy) last July, workers immediately started an Italian-language course and theoretical and practical training that will teach them all the necessary skills to get the mandatory certifications to work in Italy. At the end of their classes, they will be hired by Sielte as excavator and cable-laying operators with a temporary work contract for 12 months.

Simultaneously with professional and educational initiatives, Orienta and Sielte also kicked off a welcoming machine for the workers that just landed. They involved in the project the Filipino Community in Turin, the Filipino Cultural Association in Turin, a cultural mediator and a Filipino restaurant. Moreover, at the official presentation of the initiative, there was also Mrs. Maria Grazia Cavallo, Consul ad Honorem of the Republic of the Philippines for Piedmont and the Aosta Valley.